Here is a list of books that have changed my life and I trust they will change yours:
1. “The Memoirs of Charles G. Finney” The first version I read of this was edited by Helen Wessel, which was easy to read and well presented. The edition I have linked here is for more serious students of Finney. His life story and how God used him as a revivalist stands alone. Everyone who aspires to ministry should read this amazing biography.
2. “God’s Smuggler” by Brother Andrew. This book should be required reading for everyone who feels called to ministry. Not only does it powerfully illustrate the fact that God has a tailor-made ministry for each of us, but it powerfully illustrates how to be led by the Lord into our purpose.
3. “I Believe in Visions” by Kenneth E. Hagin. This book contains several visions of Jesus that Hagin had as he began to grow in his ministry. These visions contain invaluable teaching and rare revelation. Almost any book by Hagin will be inspiring and full of great examples, especially his large study books on Faith, Prayer, and the Gifts of the Spirit.
4. “Bruchko” by Bruce Olson is a great book to shape a person’s view of missions and to inspire them to pay the price for the privilege of going. This book is the story of a nineteen-year old from Minnesota who went into a South American jungle to work among a Stone Age tribe.
5. “The Cross and the Switchblade” by David Wilkerson. God used this book to reveal to me that Jesus was still alive and well and working in the earth today just like He did 2000 years ago.
6. “Prison to Praise” by Merlin Carothers. This is a little book that had a big impact on the early Charismatic Movement. It was one of the few really big selling books of that era. It is a simple testimony based around the practical principle of worshipping God in the midst of your troubles, by giving Him thanks, rather than just quickly asking to get out of them.
7. “God Calling” edited by A. J. Russell. This book was written by two ladies who spent time listening to Jesus and writing down whatever He said to them. It is filled with rich insights into the heart of God. I read it over and over the first few years that I walked with the Lord and I am sure it planted seeds that grew into many sermons and inspired me as I grew in the prophetic.
8. “Smith Wigglesworth – Apostle of Faith” When I was a young Christian, this book really inspired me to be determined to walk by faith so I could see the power of God at work wherever I went. The story is about a simple plumber who, after he was endued with power from on high, had the audacity and the integrity to take what Jesus taught and demonstrate it at face value. Over time, he went around the world with this simple message to bring the church more in line with its God-given potential. Wigglesworth’s messages were transcribed and compiled in a book called “Ever Increasing Faith” which is laced with illustrations of the power of prayer.
9. “George Whitfield” by John Pollock. This book gives the best overview on the life of this great young evangelist and gives one a sense of what a real revivalist looks like.
10. “Fresh Wind - Fresh Fire” - What Happens When God's Spirit Invades the Hearts of His People by Jim Cymbala. Not only a great read, but it creates vision to build our lives, churches, and ministries upon prayer. I have been down to their Tuesday night prayer meetings many times and consider it one of the best meetings I have ever been to. I also believe this is one of the truly great churches in America today.
Here are some great study tools and other resources that I have used:
Olive Tree has a great app with a wide range of Bibles and study tools available. This is currently my favorite Bible Study tool.
Bible Study Tools This is a website loaded with lots of great study helps and it is free:
Crosswalk Bible Study tools including many translations and Strong’s Concordance:
The Parallel Bible: This is a great tool to see the same verse in many different translations.
The Amplified Bible:
This site has the Phillips Translation on-line, which is one of my favorite Bible Study tools.
Scripture Text has the Message on-line:
Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words:¯t0003387
The Unbound Bible”
The Blue Letter Bible” Click on Study Tools to find Harmony of the Gospels and many other useful charts and Outlines
e-sword has a free Bible program you can download:
Strong’s Concordance:
Easton’s Bible Dictionary:
Smith’s Bible Dictionary:
Naves Topical Bible:
Thompson Chain Reference:
YouVersion of the Bible
Pastor's Resource by Rick Warren