Here is a list of things that I use on retreats in order to evaluate how well I am doing. These are not in order of importance, but focus on a range of areas where I need to be growing in my life and ministry.

1. Do you have a confirmed long-term vision? (This is something Jesus has shown you to do and has confirmed, not just something you have decided to do on your own hoping He blesses it.) 2. Do you know what short-term steps are needed to fulfill your long-term vision? 3. Does your vision include what you will become, as well as what you will do? 4. Do you read the Bible and meditate on it in a disciplined way that speaks to you as a person, not just for what you need for the pulpit? 5. Do you sense the presence of the Lord in prayer? 6. When was the last time you heard His voice just for your own spiritual life? 7. Do you sense the pleasure or favor of the Lord in your life? 8. Do you have extended times of personal praise and worship? 9. Do you have “hammock” time? (This is guilt-free time just to relax or read a book) 10. Are you reading books for your own personal growth? 11. Do you find yourself avoiding people as much as you can? 12. How deep does your forgiveness go? Are you free from past hurts? 13. Do you find yourself wishing your life were completely different from the way it is right now? 14. Do you fast on a weekly basis? 15. Do you truly observe a weekly Sabbath? 16. Do you take personal retreats? (Other than vacation) 17. Do you put yourself in places where you can get preached to and respond to an altar call? 18. How free are you to laugh and sing? 19. Are you aware of unresolved conflicts with anyone? 20. Do you actually look forward to going to church? 21. Do you have friends outside the church or ministry? 22. Do you have a hobby or growing interest outside of the church or ministry? 23. Do you take time to unplug? (Taking time away from the computer and cell phone) 24. Do you have a pastor/overseer or personal mentor with whom you can talk openly and honestly about what is going on in your life? (Someone who will ask you the hard questions) 25. Do you look for opportunities to share your faith with others? 26. Do you look for ways to give just for the joy of giving? 27. How well do you pastor your own children? 28. Do you still date your spouse and take time to talk and listen to each other? 29. Do you live in the confidence and freedom that being right with God brings? 30. Are you trying new things and exploring new depths, in order to keep growing spiritually? OTHER INDICATORS 1. How is your back? 2. Are you taking meds for things that could be solved spiritually? 3. Do you go for walks or find other ways to get in some regular exercise? 4. How are your numbers? (Such as your weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol?) 5. Is your sleep interrupted by the cares and stresses of life? 6. Any ongoing worries, anxieties, or fears? 7. How are your joints or muscles? 8. Are you easily ticked off or have any road rage recently? 9. Are you looking for acceptance in all the wrong places? 10. Are you able to control the amount of entertainment you watch?